Latest news from the Electronic Repair Centre.



 Outside UK repairs.

From 1st September 2022, we regrettably decided we can no longer accept repairs from outside the UK. This has come as a result of the Brexit move to leave the European Union, which makes customs and postage charges/duties very excessive and often outweighs the value of the unit being repaired. The massive amount of extra paperwork involved is also too excessive.

Minimum charge increase 1st Jan 2024

Our minimum repair charge has stayed the same for the last few years, and unfortunately this year we have to increase this to £50 plus VAT. Other conditions stay the same.


 We have listened to your feedback regarding the cost to phone us.

From 1st September 2021, we have a new cheaper to call phone number. This is charged as a standard phone line, so it is okay for mobile users. The old 0845 number was quite costly for some users, and some people were barred from using company phones to call this old number.


The old number will still be in use for some time (removed 1st Sept 2022), but we would like customers to start using our new number immediately. We are also taking the opportunity to remove the now antiquated fax line.


 New accounting package.

From the begining of 2018, we will be using a new accounts package which contains many new features. We will be able to directly email invoices to customers and automatically send reminders and statements.


For you the customer, you will be able to view your invoice and pay it on-line. Those customers who don't like to use on-line payment systems, you can still ring through and pay invoices directly with someone on the phone, or make payment via BACS (Bank details shown on each invoice).



Although we are no longer registered to ISO9001/BS5750, we still adopt the principles and practices of the procedures. Regular external audits by some of our customers verify our quality.